888poker The Festival Online Series

Brazil’s “n10s99” is the champion of the $100,000 guaranteed Big Shot 109 tournament, part of The Festival Online at 888poker. The Brazilian came out on top of a 973-strong field and clinched $14,206 of the $100,000 prize pool following a heads-up deal with runner-up “Artur1965.”

n10s99 sat down at the nine-handed final table sixth in chips with 29 big blinds at their disposal. A combination of skilful play and good fortune saw them soar to the top of the chip counts in the tournament’s latter stages before emerging as a worthy winner.

$100K The Festival Online – Sunday Big Shot 109 Final Table Results

Place Player Country Prize
1 n10s99 Brazil $14,026*
2 Artur1965 Lithuania $12,743*
3 Farrugia_1 Malta $8,300
4 1TATAPUH Kazahkstan $6,150
5 JustAnNPC   $4,550
6 ob1wahn Germany $3,400
7 R2Rka Ukraine $2,560
8 Elmaneke21 Romania $1,940
9 Michael_mdlb Brazil $1,480

$100K The Festival Online – Sunday Big Shot 109 Final Table Chip Counts

Place Player Country Chips Big Blinds
1 Artur1965 Lithuania 3,443,927 69
2 R2Rka Ukraine 2,261,786 45
3 1TATAPUH Kazahkstan 2,214,769 44
4 Farrugia_1 Malta 1,743,798 35
5 JustAnNPC   1,622,037 32
6 n10s99 Brazil 1,437,996 29
7 ob1wahn Germany 1,067,390 21
8 Michael_mdlb Brazil 412,462 8
9 Elmaneke21 Romania 390,835 8

“Michael_mdlb” sat down at the final table second-last in chips but was the first finalist heading out of the tournament area. Michael_mdlb crashed out during the opening minutes of the final table action. First, they found pocket sevens, moved all-in and won the blinds an antes. Almost immediately after, they were dealt pocket seven again and moved all-in for 10.5 big blinds. This time around, Artur1965 woke up on the button with pocket kings and three-bet to isolate the all-in player. A queen-high board sent Michael_mdlb to the rail.

Eighth place was decided as the action hit the half-hour mark, and it was “Elmaneke21” of Romania, the shortest stack at the start of the final table, who claimed that finishing place. They came unstuck after open-shoving for 11.8 big blinds with pocket tens from under the gun, and seeing “ob1wahn” snap-call from the big blind with pocket aces. ob1wahn flopped a set and improved to quads on the river, reducing the player count by one.

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R2Rka Left With 0.1 Big Blinds!

The final seven became six when “R2Rka” of Ukraine found themselves with fresh air where their chips once stood. R2Rka lost all but 0.1 big blinds after shoving king-queen into pocket aces, and they never recovered.

Germany’s ob1wahn saw their tournament end abruptly in sixth place after jamming 11.6 big blinds from the button with ace-seven, and “JustAnNPC” called with pocket jacks from the small blind. JustAnNPC locked up the hand by turning a jack, and with that, ob1wahn was gone.

JustAnNPC was the next player eliminated despite helping themselves to ob1wahn’s stack. The action folded to JustAnNPC in the small blind, and they raised to 3.2 big blinds with a pair of tens in the hole. n10s99 three-bet from to 7.6 big blinds with ace-king suited, and then called when JustAnNPC ripped it in for 23.6 big blinds. An ace on the turn sent JustAnNPC to the showers and boosted the stack of n10s99 to more than 80 big blinds, almost four times the size of any other player’s stack.

Kazakhstan’s “1TATAPUH” fell in fourth in cruel circumstances. n10s99 open-shoved from the button with queen-five of spades, and 1TATAPUH called off their 10.4 big blind stack with pocket kings in the big blind. 1TATAPUH flopped top set, but the board went runner-runner to gift n10s99 a six-high straight! Ouch!

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888poker regular “Farrugia_1” was the next to fall, their third-place finish coming with $8,300 in prize money. Again, n10s99 dealt the killer blow, open-shoving for 16 big blinds effective first in from the small blind with queen-seven, and Farrugia_1 calling all-in with ace-six of clubs. Farrugia_1 flopped a six, but n10s99 spiked a seven. There was no further drama, and the $100,000 guaranteed event progressed to heads-up.

n10s99 held the chip lead going into the one-on-one battle, but Artur1965 claimed the lead for themselves during the opening confrontations, prompting both players to discuss a deal. Those discussions bore fruit, and the heads-up duo continued playing to crown the champion.

The final hand took place one hour and 40 minutes after the final table action commenced. Artur1965 min-raised with ace-four of hearts, and n10s99 called with ace-trey of clubs. An ace-deuce-trey flop was the writing on the wall for Artur1965. n10s99 check-raised a 1.4 big blind continuation bet to four big blinds and was called. The turn was a ten, and n10s99 led out for 6.1 big blinds, and Artur1965 called. On the offsuit eight river, n10s99 moved all-in, and Artur 1965 could not find a fold and called it off with an expensive second-best hand. Artur1965 was awarded $12,743 after the previously mentioned deal, while n10s99 claimed $14,026 and the title of $100,000 Big Shot 109 champion.

The Festival Online Main Event Day 1s Start April 6

The biggest tournament of The Festival Online at 888poker kicks off for the first time on April 6. The $215 buy-in Main Event boasts a $200,000 guaranteed prize pool; it will be epic. More than a dozen flights take place between April 6-10, with Day 2 commencing at 8:00 p.m. BST on April 10. Play on Day 2 ends when the nine-handed final table is set, with the final table action starting from 7:00 p.m. BST on April 11. As always, David Tuchman and Nick Wealthall will commentate on the final table via the 888poker Twitch channel.

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n10s99 Defeats Artur1965 in The Festival $100K Gtd at 888poker